Thursday, December 11, 2008

Snow hats

well if you want to worship the snowgods even further you can waer a snow hat, as shown bellow. I have no idea how snow hats can help the snow gods but it fun to wear anyway. Remember keep on watch for snow at environ ment canada. (
Hope oit snows.

1 comment:

Maddy#1 said...

i think you should say about addinga snowflake on top:)

how to make a snow hat

  • I) get a peice of paper and draw a circle on it
  • 2) find the middle of the circle and draw a line to the center.
  • 3) cut along that line
  • 4) take one edge and fold it over the other to make a cone.
  • 5) now decorate your snow hat, and do a snow dance, who knows it may snow

do you like snow?

do you beleive in the snow gods?

What do you do when it snows?